Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Faces of War

Photos from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution referenced from 'Reconsidering the Man from Illinois' by Rothstein in the NY Times, 2008.
 On the Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln
This bronze doth keep the very forma d mold
Of our great martyr's face.  Yes, this is he:
That brow of all wisdom, all benigity;
That human, humorous mouth; those cheeks that hold
Like some harsh landscape all the summer's gold;
That spirit fit for sorrow, as the sea
For storms to beat on; the lone agony
Those silent, patient lips too well foretold.
Yes, this is he who ruled a world of men
As might some prophet of the elder day, --
Brooding above the tempest and the fray
With deep-eyed thought and more than mortal ken.
A power was his beyond the touch of art
Or armed strength:  It was his mighty heart.
Richard Watson Gilder, 1886

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