Friday, August 26, 2011

A Suggested Schedule to Guide You

I thought that some of you might benefit from a suggested schedule to guide your weekly work and study:

(Begin each reading session by looking over the list of questions given for your reading before you begin.) 
Tuesday after co-op
 Spend at least 30 min. reading the assigned text reading (you may want to listen or look at the summary of the chapter from the Roadmap first)

Spend about 1.5 hours of text reading on Wednesday
Remember to break your reading into 25 min. chunks and to break those chunks into bites/bytes and to read for understanding checking your own understanding before moving on.  This is especially important for those of you who are using the audio version - don't go through 25 minutes of text non-stop without narrating/telling back to yourself what you have read.  If it's helpful spend 2-3 minutes looking over How To Read Your Text until you get the habit!

Finish any remaining text reading (most of you will be through or nearly through)
Read your PSH assignment (there are not normally two in one week!)
Read Penny Candy
Think about upcoming Projects and work on any other assignments

Set aside about 1-1.5 hours to compile your timeline, list of important people, record your vocabulary in your notebook and record any Current Events.
(You were remembering your index card while you read this week weren't you?)  This will be much easier if you have put a box/circle around dates and underlined names of new/important people as you read.

Spend about one hour to make sure that you can answer the questions from your handout (these are possible opportunity questions).  Try actually writing out an answer for one or two of them (don't pick the easy ones).  Call someone if you aren't sure how to answer on or to check your answer against someone elses.

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