Sorry for the tardiness of these - my three year old decided to flush and apple down the toilet when we got home. (Ok, maybe somethings are better not to know, but suffice to say my hands are just now dry enough to touch a keyboard!)
Just in case you don't know how to use Scribd, click the button on the menu bar at the bottom of the document that looks like a cloud with an arrow pointing down. This will allow you to open the document on your computer. You can then save it electronically or print it out! Pretty cool, huh?
Please print this page out and place it in your Chapter 2 Tab. Also remember to read over these questions BEFORE you do your reading! Read it carefully it has important information about next weeks opportunity.
Chapter 2 a City Upon a Hil - 2
This is the Economics handout I showed you in class. Please print it out and put it in your Economics tab. Look it over, but we will discuss it in class next week.
Economics Why Bother
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