Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ground Zero

If you remember 10 years ago this day at all your memories may be vague ones.  I hope, though, that as you look at this picture of our President and former President side by side and reflect on the meaning of this day, you realize how blessed we are to live in a country where political power is transferred from one President to another peacefully. 

Our presidents willingly give up their power as the head of our nation because of words written on paper over 200 years ago.  Words that you are now watching being birthed in your reading.  We and our fellow citizens may have strong feelings toward these men, but they are standing at the end of a long line of men leading all the way back to President Washington and those who governed under the Articles of Confederation before him. 

You are listening  to the stories of Oliver Cromwell and the English  kings who came before and after him over the next two weeks.  When you read of General Washington kneeling before Congress surrendering his army at the end of the Revolutionary war and refusing more than two terms in office, remember the stories of Cromwell and the kings.  Remember too, the story of these two men - Obama and Bush.  It was Washington's surrender more than two hundred years ago which birthed this picture.

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