Friday, September 2, 2011

Opportunity Grades

I have finalized my grading scale for your opporunities.  This scale will be in effect for the first semester or until I publicize a change.  I estimate that students will take around 28 opportunities during the year.  I will calculate their grade based on their 20 highest scores.  Opportunities are a total of 25% of a students grade.

I am not going to change the difficulty of the questions, but I am giving students who achieve at least 1/2 of the points of each opportunity (a 2 or above) more grace as shown below.  I'm doing this while you are learning a new way of reading and studying.  Over the next few weeks students who recieve more than two or three of scores below a 2 either aren't doing the Active Reading style encouraged or need further assistance.  I will be seeking out those students privately. 

A+  (4)
A    (3.5)
A-   (3)
B+  (2.5)
C    (2)
C-   (1.5)
D    (1)
D-  (.5)
F    (0)

Occasionally I'm going to misword a question or write something that could be easily misunderstood.  If I see a pattern of students misunderstand a question or a portion of a question I will throw out that question/point.  If that is the case the following grading system will apply based on a 3 point scale:

A+  (none awarded unless all other answers or parts are EXCEPTIONAL!)
A    (3)
A-   (2.5)
B     (2)
B-   (1.5)
C    (1)
D+  (.5)
D    (0) - only if the student attempted to answer.  If no attempt was made an F will be given even if a point/question is thrown out.

If you have questions or concerns please contact me.

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